Healthy Food. Healthy Home. Healthy Life.

healthy food. healthy home. healthy life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Favorite Fall Breakfast

There is nothing better than waking up on a chilly Fall morning, putting on your comfy slippers and an extra sweater, and padding down to the kitchen to make something warm and cozy.  In this house, it's oatmeal.  The good piping-hot, stick-to-your-ribs, can't-wait-to-get-out-of-bed-for-this kind of oatmeal!

It's easy, nutritious, and has as many variations as you can even dream of!  Here's the kind we cooked up this morning. :)

Simple flavors, yet the kind of savory depth your tongue is craving!  The best part is my secret ingredient: Cardamom.  One of my all-time favorite spices, and definitely my favorite part of this breakfast - you don't need a lot, it's super flavorful, but you'll be so glad you tried it.  It tastes so comfy, like putting on a warm Norwegian sweater :)  Hope you like it!

Annie's Oats (sugar/dairy-free!)

1 c. Oat Bran (I buy organic bulk at our local co-op)
2 1/2 c. water
Stevia, to taste
1 T. Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/2 t. Cinnamon
1/4-1/2 t. Cardamom 
Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (Almond Breeze brand is what I use)
The Wholesome Hippie's Miracle Granola (or granola of your choice), optional

Bring water to a rolling boil in medium saucepan on stovetop.  Turn heat to low.  Add oat bran, and stir continuously with a whisk.  The oats will thicken quickly, so make sure you're stirring to preventing burning/sticking to the bottom!  The whisking also helps break apart any lumps, so your oats are smooth and creamy. :)  If the oatmeal is thicker than your liking, add in a little almond milk at this time.

Add spices and stevia to taste.  We all know I like things extra-spiced, so I always add a lot!  Scoop oatmeal into a bowl, then top with almond milk and a small scoop of granola.  Mmmmmmm... :)

Another variation, for the sugar and dairy-loving crowd...this is how Joe enjoyed his oatmeal this morning:

Instead of almond milk, I added Pumpkin Pie flavored coffee creamer, and a big dallop of my dad's homemade cinnamon apple sauce.  He was a happy man that morning! :)

What are your favorite oatmeal toppings?


  1. Yum! I love oatmeal! :) I like mine with raisins and brown sugar. :)

  2. Totally making my own "Annie" recipe book. Yum.

    I eat mine out of a pouch. Ha! Hooray for Better Oats. Someday I'll be domestic enough to make my own like this. :)

    I like blueberries or bananas on top.

  3. :) what super pictures... i can actually smell it!
